Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Addressing the most common road blocks to your fitness goals

We are almost 3 months into 2018.  So how are you progressing towards your New Year's fitness resolution? If you are a little skeptical at this point, you are not alone.  This is when the excitement and enthusiasm starts to dwindle.  You may be starting to feel overwhelmed, lost, and you just aren't sure if its all worth the effort.  You are not alone.  This is where about 50% of all fitness goals end and it's always for the same reasons.

There are a lot of things that can get in the way of your progress and through this series I will address the 6 most common reasons the failure rate is so high.

1. Unrealistic expectations
2. No plan or accountability
3. Time availability
4. Commute or accessibility to the gym
5. Feeling out of place and lack of guidance at the gym
6. Lack of motivation/No support system

Today we'll be dealing with "Unrealistic Expectations".  It's all about results versus expectations.  This is where we tend to bite off more than we can chew and, as a direct result, we set ourselves up for failure.  What you need to do is break your ultimate goal down into more realistic or achievable benchmarks.  These benchmarks design a path towards your ultimate goal and should be time dated to monitor your progress.

For example, if you are trying to lose 20 pounds in the next 6 months establish checkpoints every 30 days. It might look like this:

Goal: Lose 20lbs by June

Total PoundsJanFebMarAprMayJune

At these checkpoints, reward yourself if you hit the mark.  What kind of reward?  It should be unique to your needs, and should also serve as a visible reminder of your progress.  If you didn't hit the mark, evaluate why and make the necessary changes to get back on track. This provides you with tangible results in digestible bites and keeps your fuel tank full.

Bottom line, staying fit is always a challenge.  Whether it's diet, exercise, motivation, time, or accountability, your success will always be dependent on the path you create and the timely adjustments you make.

The next checkpoint in this series will be "Developing the Right Plan and Accountability".  Until then, enjoy your journey to better health and fitness.


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